Final opening sequence 'Scarred'

Ugliest Jumper Ever - Preliminary

Monday, September 22, 2008

Miss Thrasher's Homework 2

For this homework we had to watch video clips and write brief notes in summary to what they were talking about. The website the video clips were on was so feel free to watch them too.

Video Number 1- Release of a film
2 things to think of when releasing a film: Marketability - who it is going to appeal to?
         Finding a campaign that is best going to relate to that audience.
The amount of marketing depends on the amount of money you are going to spend and this depends on what profit and potential you think the movie will take when it is finished.
After this has been decided you then can think about how you are going to promote and advertise your film. 

Video Number 2 - Positioning and Audience
The most important thing is define who your audience is - is the film of a specific genre, appeal to a certain age group, have well known actors or directors?

Video Number 3 - Target Audience
Know how to focus in on target audience from past film comparisons and research in and around the target audience. 
You can never be 100% sure on your target audience but you can have a clear idea.
The target audience of 45+ are most easy to target via TV advertisements as this is what they are most likely to watch and they have to be told several times about something before they actually buy it.
Teenagers decide more spontaneously.
Different audiences and different age groups react differently so they need to be targeted differently.

Video Number 4 - Competition
Film distribution is all about the competition.
Factors affecting competition and are holidays, weather and audience pattern.
Weather also affects advertising techniques.

Video Number 5 - P&A Budget
Include all the costs of film prints, technical things and advertising costs. 
They then decide where best to use the advertising costs to target the target market. 
Television advertising can be very expensive so you may need to think of alternative ways to get the target audiences attention if you cannot budget for it e.g. radio advertising which can get to a huge audience up and down the country.

Video Number 6 - Word of Mouth
Word of mouth is critical. 
If they think the film is going to work well with the target audience they run advanced screenings and free screenings before the release of the movie. Then the audience who watched these movies, if they enjoyed it, will come out and tell their friends about it who will tell their friends and so on so that when the movie is released lots of people will want to pay to see it. 
When research was conducted they found that people based decisions on what their friends tell them.
If the movie is given to them late and advanced screenings cant be arranged it is all down to advertising.
If a movie is loved it will spend longer in cinemas.

Video Number 7 - Marketing Plan
The main ways to publicize a film are advertising (most expensive) and through press.
Main advertising is placing adverts in newspapers, on internet, on TV etc.
Freeform advertising is through the publicity of the film-place features about film in magazines, set up interviews with the director and cast to be shown on TV or radio etc.
Outdoor advertising uses billboards etc. It is quite expensive.
Word of Mouth advertising which is the best form of free advertising.
Internet using emails and viral campaigns.
Word of mouth can make or break a film.
If your film plays well to an audience then a film screening is crucial key strategy in your marketing plan, it is also good on a budget.

Video Number 8 - Film Trailers
Trailers are the most important key to selling the film.
It is the publics first and only exposure showing them what they are going to buy into.
Important that it has the right impact and message and that the overall concept of the film is portrayed well.

Video Number 9 - Link Between
1st major step - Convincing exhibitors (cinemas) to take the film

Video Number 10 - Digital Marketing
Viral marketing is very simple. 
Involves creating an element e.g. a game or quiz etc. that because of its nature will be sent on.
Most effective marketing is word of mouth.
Communication from someone you know telling you that something is good means more to us than anything we hear from the press or things we read etc.

Video Number 11 - Test Screenings
Research is important.
Can be done in advance e.g. poster ideas, trailers, concepts for movies (in USA) etc.
Make sure they are delivering to the audience what they want it to and meeting peoples expectations.
Post movie production - test screenings - getting who they believe is the target audience for that film to see the film before it is released. 
After they are made to fill in questionnaires or a few people (focus group) are held back to talk to in more depth about the movie. 
Movie makers will change things according to feedback. 

Video Number 12 - Persuading Cinemas
1st major step - Convince the exhibitors (cinemas) to take their film.

Video Number 13 - Opening Weekend
Frustratingly important.
Exhibitors work on the three day figure: Opening day - always Friday
   Opening Figures - Friday, Saturday and Sunday
   Hold Over (Make or Break) - Monday morning
Your film has to have been successful and made more money than any other film in that cinema on those 3 days. 
If its not making enough money they take the film off.

Video Number 14 - Piracy
Escalated over the last 5 years.
In 2006 piracy counts as 20% of DVD sales in the UK.