We each had to come up with our own plot idea which we then copied and gave to everyone in the class. We were then asked to chose actors and actress's for everyones plot that we thought would fit with the roles that were in the film and come up with an appropriate title for it. Here are my plot, and my two favorites from the class:
Plot 1 - 'Rouge Election'

This was my plot about a girl who grows up wanting to be a Moulin Rouge dancer but her roller-coaster life takes her on a different path. We chose Hallie Berry to star as the main character as we thought she fitted the part perfectly as she is very versatile and her appearance fits with the general storyline. We felt that she could just as easily fit in with the posh section of the story as with the struggling section of the story and therefore would make the plot more plausible. We then came up with the title 'Rouge Election'. This was because we felt it tied in both aspects of the girl in the plots life. The 'Rouge' part linking to the Moulin Rouge loving part of her life where her dad abused her and her childhood was difficult and the 'Election' part of it linking to the USA president part of her life where everything is perfect and her parents adore her. It brings them both together much like how the plot brings these things together but the fact that they don't normally fit together shows just how un-natural the togetherness is and how forced it is, much like how it is in the plot as she is forced to become something she is not. We then came up with the tag-line for this film. We decided on 'Two dreams, one life.' We felt that it informed the audience of the plot but didn't give too much away so it created an enigma. It also anchored the title as the audience could then work out that word came from the different dreams and that putting them together represented the one life. It also tells the audience that the film is going to be rather dramatic and serious but yet still glossy as the tag-line is very gritty and to the point but contains the word dreams which people associate with the fantasy genre or something very magical and lovely which again shows the two aspects of the girl in the plots life as her childhood is rather dark but then her later life is quite glamourous.
Plot 7 - 'Wingills'

This plot really caught my eye when i read it as it was so unusual. It was the one set in the post apocalyptic future with evolved human beings. We decided to cast Ben Stiller as the main human being and Bruce Willis as the evil human being. We chose Ben Stiller because despite the film not originally intending to be comical, we felt that it could easily be made into one and with Ben Stiller as the lead could be very successful. He is a well known actor for comical movies and we felt that if we wanted to turn this plot into a comedy our best option would be to cast Ben Stiller as the main role as he instantly brings a comical value to the film. We also felt his general appearance fitted with plot as he seems like he would be able to battle against other humans but not as if he had been purposely built for it which makes the storyline more believable. He is also not too young or too old. Bruce Willis seemed to fit the role of the evil dictator because he has a very menacing look about him and can do stern expressions very well. Unlike Ben Stiller, his body image looks as if it has been created for fighting therefore would make him the perfect enemy. He is not a conventional comical character but we thought this would make the film more funny because having one extremely funny character against a very serious character creates humor and could be successful. Bruce Willis has also starred in a lot of other fighting movies so therefore he would easily fit into the part without much coaching or training. We then went on to come up with a title for the film. We decided to call it 'Wingills'. We felt that this tied in well with the comedy aspect of the film and audiences would immediately know that it is not a serious film they are about to watch. It also brings in aspects of the film as all the humans have wings and gills and this word is a mixture of the two. We thought it was a funny but clever play on words. We then came up with the tag-line 'Its because they have wings and gills.' to match this. Despite it being a fairly stupid tag-line and fairly obvious we thought it added to the comedy genre we were trying to create and it lets the audience know what the characters are going to be like in the film before they have seen it. It ties in well with both the title and the film, explaining both the plot and what the title is supposed to mean so overall we felt it was a laughable but informative tag-line, much like most other conventional tag-lines.
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