Final opening sequence 'Scarred'

Ugliest Jumper Ever - Preliminary

Saturday, January 31, 2009

Audience Feedback- Individual

On Saturday 31st of January i showed a small audience of 4 people  my finished opening sequence and asked them to fill out the questionnaire which we had used in the group screening. It was a mixture of age groups and genders with a 45 year old male, a 45 year old female, a 69 year old female and a 15 year old female The feedback i received was fairly different to that of the group screening but it was still positive. 

All of the viewers said that they enjoyed watching the opening sequence and it built up a lot of suspense. They thought the music built on this atmosphere and made it even more tense when watching it. They all guessed it was from the horror genre and correctly identified the title as being 'Scarred'
When it came to their own opinions of the sequence, however, this is where their answers began to differ. The 69 year old female said she did not enjoy watching it that much and would probably not watch the rest of the film as she does not really like horror movies. The 15 year old female rated it 9 out of 10 and said she would definitely go and see it in the cinema. She said she liked the story line and character and thought it enticed her to want to know the story. The 45 year old woman said that she liked the overall sequence and found it very tense but the teenage character made it seem like it was aimed at a younger audience so she only rated it 6 out of 10. The 45 year old male said it was well shot and made him jump at all the correct places but again the use of the teenage girl made it seem as if he was too old to watch it and horror movies are not really his thing. 
Overall i think the feedback showed us a lot about our audience and by showing it to a wide age range really emphasized the fact that our film is specifically designed for a teenage audience. It was mainly positive feedback which showed that we had made an overall successful film.