Final opening sequence 'Scarred'

Ugliest Jumper Ever - Preliminary

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Preliminary Exercise Questions

Who Did You Work With and How Did You Manage the Task Between You?
My group consisted of Amelia, Mia, Shaun and me. We allocated everyone with different planning tasks so that we would all contribute an equal amount to the planning of the sequence. The camera work was mainly done my Mia and Shaun as Amelia and I were involved with the acting. We felt that this would be the easiest and most efficiant way of taking our shots rather than changing the roles every shot as it would have been very time consuming and we were under a strict time limit. With the editing we circulated it between the group, everyone doing 15 minutes of editing and people chipping in with ideas and help when people needed it. We found that this was the most effective way of doing it.
Overall i felt our group worked well together and we all pulled our weight to get the job done. There were no arguements or disagreements and everyone was willing to do the jobs they were given.