Final opening sequence 'Scarred'

Ugliest Jumper Ever - Preliminary

Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Reflections on the Test Shoot

We completed our test shoot on Monday 24th November. Overall i felt it went well and we achieved everything we set out to achieve. It showed us the areas which we needed to improve on in time for our real shoot and showed us the areas which worked really well and that we should definitely use in our real thing. The only aspect of our test shoot which we have still not yet achieved is deciding our final idea! We are still stuck between the two ideas because when it came to shooting them they both contained good and bad aspects and they both had lots of potential. Charlotte preferred the 2nd idea whereas me and Nisha preferred the first but as Charlotte is our actress we would prefer it if she liked what she was acting out. I think we will have to get feedback from as many people as possible and then the most popular idea we will go ahead with. 

The only criticism i had with our test shoot is the amount of times we managed to get distracted. For the time that we were there we found our selves loosing focus fairly often and this made our test shoot take longer than we had anticipated. For our real shoot i think this is the area that we need to work on the most because we are all such good friends therefore it is hard for us to not go off track a bit. I think we will set ourselves the target of working for solid few hours then our reward can be a small break where we are able to let off some steam and gossip otherwise i can see our shoot taking longer than we had hoped. 

Apart from that i feel the test shoot went extremely well and everything ran smoothly and according to plan. I am looking forward to shooting the real thing.