Final opening sequence 'Scarred'

Ugliest Jumper Ever - Preliminary

Monday, December 1, 2008


On Saturday 29th November we did our real shoot. We arrived at Nisha's house at 2:30pm and planned to begin shooting straight away to avoid getting behind again due to talking too much!
This did not go according to plan and we ended up starting late as we realised we needed the outside to be dark before we were able to shoot but once we begun we shot for 3 hours solid and managed to get all the footage we wanted.
I really enjoyed doing the shoot and our group worked well as a team. We came across a few problems which we did not plan for during our test shoot but we managed to work around these and overcome them.
The thing that i found hardest about the real shoot was getting the continuity correct. It was very hard to make our shots look plausible due to things around us changing and objects being in the shots that were not supposed to be there. When watching back over a few shots after we had shot them we found many faults with the continuity and ended up having to reshoot them. When we were doing our test shoot we did not encounter as many problems as we did not include as many shots and our test sequence was far less thought out. When shooting our trailers back in Year 10 we never had to worry about the continuity of the sequence so it was a lot easier then whereas now there were a lot more errors that we ran into. As it was an entirely new thing for all of us to focus on it made it a lot more challenging and difficult but i felt we tackled it well.
Another problem that we cam across was sound. Many of our shots had sound which was unclear or too soft which we had noticed during the test shoot but we thought that the use of the microphone might help. However it did not help so we decided that instead of using the sound with the shots, we just recorded seperate shots of just the sound which we will then group with the needed shot so that you can hear it clearly and therefore it will make more sense to the audience. This was another issue that we had never faced before because we have never really focused on sound when shooting previously. This is what made it a lot more confusing for all of us and brought to light more issues. I liked learning a new skill but i found that at times it was extremely complicated and sometimes frustrating as it could ruin the entire shot.
On Saturday, as Charlotte did all the acting, me and Nisha shared the shooting out equally between us. I felt this was beneficial to both of us as we were both able to have a time using the camera and therefore gaining more confidence. When one of us was not shooting we were always there helping the other person and giving advice which made the shoot run a lot more smoothly as we were able to get two peoples opinion rather than just one.
Overall i think it went really well as we achieved everything we had set out to do and managed to shoot all the needed footage. I cannot wait to start editing it together!