Final opening sequence 'Scarred'

Ugliest Jumper Ever - Preliminary

Monday, December 15, 2008

Re-Shoot 2

On Saturday 13th of December we did our final shoot for the project. Overall i think it went according to plan and we managed to do everything that we had intended to do however there were a few minor hiccups which we had to overcome.

We all arrived to the shoot on time! So we thought that we would be able to begin shooting as soon as it got dark but once again we found ourselves getting caught up in a very interesting conversation that we could not pull ourselves away from so we ended up starting shooting later than we had planned meaning we had to rush some of the shots. Personally i think this was such a huge problem in all our shoots and as much as we tried to focus ourselves we found it so hard as we are all such good friends. Being in a group with friends is not always a good thing!
We also encountered the problem of our camera not having any batteries meaning we had to use the mains cable and therefore could not shoot outside. This obviously was not a huge problem as most of our footage is inside but it did mean that for the shot of the CU of the key in the door we had to improvise and shoot it inside with the door open rather than outside with the door shut. This seemed like a good idea at the time but then when watching back our footage we found that you could see the edge of the door and therefore you could tell it was open. We will therefore have to think of a way to some how cut the shot so that you cannot see the door edge. 
We all watched back our footage and found that there was a problem with the sound of the camera being too prominent in the shots and the shots being fairly grainy as we used quite dim lighting to create an effect. This makes our footage seem fairly unprofessional and in an ideal world we would obviously re-shoot it but we cannot so we will try to work around these problems when editing it together. 
We all worked really well as a team on Saturday as none of us were feeling 100% and we had to overcome quite a few unpredicted problems such as the camera batteries, and Nisha's family being in and therefore creating background noise. However i think we all pulled through and supported each other and therefore we managed to get our shoot done successfully and on time. Now all that is left to do is to begin editing...