Final opening sequence 'Scarred'

Ugliest Jumper Ever - Preliminary

Friday, December 5, 2008

Reflections of the Group

On Tuesday Miss Blackborow made us discuss as a group what we thought was working well and what we thought we could improve upon as a group. We all sectioned off into our groups to begin with our discussions.
At first it was hard to think of anything as we all felt that as a team we were working well but as we started to think we all came up with a few issues that we felt were affecting the groups performance and if they were fixed we could work to a higher standard.
Some issues we agreed on and we all felt were extremely important. However some of them some people did not agree with so therefore we left them as smaller issues that could be dealt with later on in the project if they get any worse.
I felt that the main problem with our group is the lack of paper work. Its not the fact that we are not willing to do it, its just we never seem to be able to find the time. I feel that if we were able to allocate a few hours each to finishing off a few pieces of paperwork then our shoots would be alot more organised and things would run more according to plan. When bringing up this issue with the group we all felt the same on the situation and came to the conclusion that we would all try our hardest to do find the time to do a small section of the paperwork before the next shoot so that we would be up to date and therefore ready to move on.
Overall i felt this discussion was beneficial to the group as it helped us bring up a lot of issues that we were ignoring before and therefore we would be able to improve upon the general work standard of the group and the group dynamics.