Final opening sequence 'Scarred'

Ugliest Jumper Ever - Preliminary

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


On 9th and 10th of October we are going to re-shoot our sequence because when watching back our footage from our first shoot we found many errors and in order to make our sequence successful we feel that we should re-shoot.
We will all be arriving at Nisha's house at 2pm and then setting up the equipment. This time we will pay close attention to all the objects in the background as these are the elements that ruined some of our shots. As we need to wait for it to get dark before we can begin shooting, we will first start with various cut away shots that do not show the outside. We never shot that many cut aways before as we thought we did not need them but when watching back our footage we felt that they might help to add a bit of pace in our sequence. After we have done these cut aways we will then go onto shooting our main sequence.
Hopefully we will be finished shooting completely today so we need to be as vigilant and engaged as possible because if we waste time we will not get anything finished and then we will have to end up shooting again when we really do not want to be as we are already quite pushed for time on our schedule and we really need to begin editing our footage soon.